R$6.500,00 R$3.108,00
The Nano MBA in Business and entrepreneurship course follows a concentrated curriculum designed to teach you the fundamentals of launching a business: idea generation, market research, business plans and pitches, competitive analysis, and generating funding. Each day begins with an in-depth analysis of one aspect of this journey, culminating in the unique opportunity for students to pitch their own business.
Beyond business components, this program also provides insight into interview strategies and resume building skills to help students land any coveted internship or job. Students will gain a comprehensive education of business fundamentals and valuable hands-on experience so they will be ready to enter and succeed in the business world.
The New Leaders training program also includes BBI of Chicago’s best selling online course: Public Speaking and Influence.
Nano MBA in Business and Entrepreneurship
The course has 4 live meetings
Dates: October 08, 09, 15 and 16
100% online
15 students per class
The student will receive one digital certificate of completion from Harvard Student Agencies and one digital certificate of completion for the Public Speaking and Influence course from BBI of Chicago
Introductions & Icebreakers Week Overview & Business Pitch Competition Introduction Problem Analysis & Idea Generation Lecture Brainstorming Lecture on Market & Competitor Research HBS Case Study Prep
Group Work on SWOT Analysis & Presentation Customer Research Lecture Group Work on Customer Development Interviews HBS Case Study Questions Group Work Time
Startups Lecture & Discussion Business Plan & Funding Lecture Brainstorming Company's Model Pitch Model & Example Pitch Lecture Business Pitch Exercise
Slidedeck Construction Student Presentations Harvard Q&A
New Leaders Program is a partnership between BBI of Chicago/CBI of Miami and Harvard Student Agencies.
Four days of intensive educational training for the new leaders of the 21st century.
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